Car Accident

Georgia Accident Report

Thank you for visiting the Georgia Accident Report, home of the free accident report.  We serve all of Georgia. 

Please fill out yellow form on page to get your free accident report.


Request a copy of your free accident report:

We thank you for using our services and if you need further assistance; please feel free to contact us anytime.  Also, share our website with friends and family who have been in a car, auto, or truck accident.

Why use Georgia Accident Report?

First, our services are free and there is no obligation or cost to you. 

Second, when an accident occurs, it is always wise to have the accident report in the event you choose to file an insurance claim.  Most insurance companies will not discuss your accident until you have the accident report. Another benefit to you is to make sure the accident was reported correctly.  It is not unusual for the person who did not cause the accident to be deemed the at-fault driver on the accident report.

Third, often it is difficult to find out which police or state patrol agency drafted the accident report.  Sometimes more than 5 calls have to be made to various departments to find out how and where you can get your accident report.  At the Georgia Accident Report, we get the report for you - avoiding you the hassle.

Need Legal Representation?

Our attorneys know the law and can give you solid legal advice and provide the guidance you need to handle your case.  Our attorneys have handled thousands of cases with over $25 Million in verdicts and settlements.  If you would like an accident attorney to call you, please be sure to let the Georgia Accident Report representative know.

The Law Firm of Merritt and Merritt